Commercial Doors:
Meeting Your Customers Before You Do
Whether your front door is right off the street or a suite door in an office building, your business’s front door meets all your customers and clients before you do. The best commercial doors make a good impression without being noticed at all. It’s the doors that are flimsy or in shoddy shape that get noticed and send the wrong impression.
Advanced Lock & Security believes that when it comes to commercial doors, solid construction and secure, attractive hardware is a memorable first handshake.
Advanced Lock & Security offers commercial door services to Phoenixville, Collegeville, King of Prussia, and just about everywhere else in the southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey areas.
When you work with locks, you work with doors. At Advanced Lock & Security, we know how important a commercial door is to working lock, and we know how critical it is to be on time with the delivery and installation of doors, door frames, and hardware.
Advanced Lock & Security has worked with property owners, maintenance facility operations, engineers, designers, loss prevention officers, shopkeepers, and local code authorities, like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) to get commercial doors on site and installed right.
We have over 20 years of experience installing, repairing and replacing a number of commercial door types:
While not seen by customers, a business’s back door is an important facet in keeping your business safe and secure. The back door is often the chosen point of entry for break-ins. Most business owners and property manages are not concerned about the back door because “no one really sees it.” But that’s exactly why it’s targeted as a break-in point.

Exit Devices
Exit devices (also known as Crash Bars or Panic Bars) keep commercial doors closed and locked from the outside, but allow for hands-free, convenient exit from the inside. Just lean against it with your hips and you’re through the doorway.
Why Does Your Commercial Door Need an Exit Device?
Exit Devices aren’t just easily operated, they’re also required by law for commercial emergency exits. In fact, an exit device should be installed on any commercial door that needs solid security and the ability to allow for an easy flow of people. Exit devices should be installed on commercial doors in:
- hospitals
- movie theaters
- offices
- township buildings
- restaurants
- schools
- retail stores
Keeping Commercial Doors and Exit Devices Up to Code
When exit devices don’t work right, it’s not just a matter of convenience, but of code. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code establishes a mandatory annual inspection of all fire rated doors. This law requires documented inspections, once every year, of fire or egress rated door assemblies.
With over 20 years of experience, Advanced Lock & Security can install exit devices on any type of commercial door. All exit devices meet ANSI/BHMA 156.3 Grade 1 standards, which require 500,000 cycles, of 400 lbs opening pressure.
Along with installing commercial door exit devices, Advanced Lock and Security is certified to perform Fire Door Inspections. Call Advanced Lock & Security now to schedule a Fire Door Inspection.
Exit Alarms for Commercial Doors
Doors with exit alarms prevent customers from inadvertently walking out into a receiving area, back alley, or busy thoroughfare. Not only are they a clear deterrent to would-be thieves, but door alarms can also control the flow of foot traffic and reduce the area that need constant watch.
Advanced Lock & Security have years of experience installing exit alarms are just about any type of commercial door, making these already safe barriers even safer. And because our exit alrams prevent theft, they can easily pay for themselves over time.
We offer several different types of exit alarms for commercial doors, such as:
Delayed-Egress Door Alarms: This popular door alarm option features a push pad on an installed panic bar that, when depressed, trips an alarm and an irreversible 15-second delay before a magnetic lock releases. This gives security personnel time to respond before a loss occurs.
Door Prop Alarms: As part of a larger security system, these alarms will sound and notify when a door is held open too long. These alarms ensure system integrity, so accidentally holding the door open too long doesn’t result in losing money or merchandise.

Commercial Door Closers
Commercial doors are heavy, imposing barriers meant to keep a business safe, but without the proper measures, they can accidentally hurt customers or employees. This makes equipping commercial door closers imperative to keeping those in your business safe while keeping everything else secure.
Commercial door closers are equipped with several adjustments to get them to work just right. There are controls for:
- Swing speed: The door’s rate as it arcs through most of its travel
- Latch speed: The speed in which the door moves in the last few inches as the it approaches the latch
- Back check: This controls the speed and resistance of the door at the final reaches of its opening to prevent the door from slamming into an adjacent wall or being yanked by the wind and bending the hinges and warping the door frame.
Commercial Door Closer Repair & Replacement
A problem with a door closer can lead to problems with the lock, the door and the frame. If the door slams, the latch will deform and can warp the frame, loosen the hinges or rattle the bolts loose that hold the closer. On top of all that, all seals age and the hydraulic fluid can leak and no amount of adjusting will compensate for that. Whatever the problem is, it’s made itself noticeable.
With over 20 years of experience in commercial door installation and repair, Advanced Lock & Security can expertly evaluate your door and door closer equipment, recommending the best adjustments and making repairs as needed, insuring people stay safe and doors stay secure.