When you’re considering selling your home, or really just want to know what your home is worth and how to increase its worth, you may be asking if a home security system can increase your home’s value. The answer, in short, is absolutely. Even if having a home security system doesn’t increase the home’s actual cash value, it can make your home more appealing and help you sell faster. Advanced Lock & Security wants to help you get the most out of your security system in any way possible, and that includes letting you know how a security system can increase your home’s appeal and value. As always, if you have questions, we would love to help.
When it comes to investments, people are generally more willing to spend a little extra money on something they feel will offer them more safety and security. If your home is protected by a security system, potential buyers will see that they’ll need to do less work to install their own system, so you are more likely to receive offers closer to your asking price. In a recent study, around 50 percent of home buyers stated that they would like to invest in a home that already had a wireless security system installed. Buyers care about how safe they feel in the home and neighborhood, and having a security system already installed gives them confidence. Most insurance companies also offer discounts on homeowners insurance if there is a security system installed, sometimes up to 20% off, so communicating those available savings to potential buyers can be a real selling point.
Even if you don’t have a full system installed already, home security systems don’t always have to be a full alarm system. Security systems could include monitored fire and carbon monoxide alarms, free standing cameras that connect to phone apps, motion sensing lights, and more. Automated locks are also becoming hugely popular and can really up the value of your home. These locks are usually easy to install and eliminate the need for spare keys and the like. They can also be controlled remotely by apps on your phone or other devices. Of course, the safest and best way to protect your home is with an actual alarm system.
Advanced Lock & Security has experts available to discuss your home security options during a free consultation, and it may be more affordable than you’d think. If you’d like to set up a consultation and let us help you find ways to increase your home’s value through security systems, give us a call. We’ll let you know some simple steps that can help you feel more secure in your home and help you make your home more appealing to future buyers. Remember, the difference between locked and secure is Advanced.