Keeping the Kids Safe When They’re Home Alone
We’ve all seen the movie Home Alone. Poor Kevin ends up alone in the house, besieged by comically incompetent beggars. While hilarity ensued throughout the film, we don’t recommend leaving your kids home alone with only their creativity to defend themselves. If you’re looking for ways to keep your kids safe when they’re home alone, we at Advanced Lock and Security have some recommendations for you.
If your kids are old enough to stay home alone, you can keep them safe while providing for your peace-of-mind by taking some necessary precautions. Start by making sure does and windows are secure and intact. Consider repairing any weak hinges and outside doors. Next, check the locks themselves. Make sure your kids know how to lock the house and keep things secure. If your locks are old, loose, finicky, or damaged in other ways, it may be time to replace the locks on your exterior doors. You can also have our locksmiths rekey your locks, allowing you to keep your locks but take heart in added security.
While teaching your kids common sense safety (like not opening the door for strangers and contacting you if something is amiss) is crucial, we also encourage taking steps to secure the infrastructure of your home. Dependable locks, closed circuit surveillance cameras, and strategic lighting are all ways you can prepare your home to help your kids be and feel safe in your absence. Leaving the kids home is huge step in their growth and be convenient for you as the parent. We hope to help you prepare to leave the kids safely in any way we can!