Music, Mechanisms and Metal
Those are the first three things noticed about Joe C. on the way to his first set of jobs.
It soon becomes apparent, that these are all part of a uniting theme: he’s very good with his hands. He’s a thinker, maker and a Renaissance man in the breadth and depth of his interests and skills.
He likes to have a nice set of tunes playing from his curated archives of innumerable, interesting bands that you’ve likely never heard of, but quickly become new favorites.
As much as listening to music isn’t unique - for Joe, it goes deeper. He plays guitar. Actually, there are - according to Joe - three levels to musicianship; there’s playing guitar, there’s being a guitarist, and there’s being a musician.
Joe is a guitarist.
Though he jams with others - it’s in his blood, his uncle in Ohio owns a music store - he’s not in a band. In true rennaisance fashion, Joe does it for its own sake. Working with his hands is integral to who he is, and the guitar enables a mastery and expression that suits him.
No wonder - and a boon for Advanced Lock - that he’s drawn to, and excels at, the intricate and often complicated work of being a skilled locksmith.
It is literal handiwork.
Many old homes and owners interested in preservation have Joe to thank for saving a grand old fixture instead of just replacing it with a modern equivalent.
And with modern fixtures, being intricate, compact and complicated - his keen interest in the squinty details of how things work makes him - well - a magician really.
We honestly don’t know how he does it.
But that’s not enough for him.
Joe also trains in blacksmith arts, forging metal and working to form artisanal pieces. Again, just for the interest and art of it.
At home, his three children carry on his maker-minded, crafty ways.
“They play with - stuff - not screens.”
The kids play with LEGOS - “to a level that’s crazy.”
Of more concern than screens is a problem we can all relate to; the hazard of stepping on a piece of LEGO.
Even his wife Michelle is crafty and creative with her knitting and embroidery business.
Joe C’s locksmith and security technician skills are more than enough for us, but know that when Joe does a job for you; you’re getting just a glimpse of his deep talent and renaissance ways.
Catch him if you can
You'll find Joe C. all over the place, Philly, Pottstown, Trenton. He's like that news van!
If we'd let him, Joe C. would forge you a new lock himself.
Another job done!
With the work done right and happily signed off on, it's onto the next job for Joe C.
To be on the Advanced Team you have to be - advanced. Joe has years and years of experience with us.
Quick Dispatch
Headquarters always knows where the techs are. If one is near you, we can sometimes offer same day service!
Joe C. has proven himself over and over by solving tough problems with smart solutions and an affable dedication that complements his deep skillset.